The Best Place for Coffee in Helsinki


The Finns love their coffee and this is evident by the many cafes found throughout this charming city.  It is easy to find coffee, pulla, and other goodies as you stroll through the many parks throughout Helsinki.

Cafe Regatta

My number one absolute favorite cafe is: Cafe Regatta.

And my family spent a lot of days walking around the city.

We visited many cafes. We drank many cups of coffee and cocoa.

It gets cold in Finland!  We needed those hot drinks and friendly cafes!


Cafe Regatta is the neighborhood cafe with the most charm.

What is not to love with the little red cabin on the shore of … in the … area.  Family oriented and unique.  There is outdoor seating for the heartiest of Finns in the dead of winter where you can sit around a bonfire and even roast a reindeer sausage.

We had some of the best traditional Finnish goodies here and the atmosphere and its closeness to where we lived made this a top choice.

Swing at Cafe Regatta